Article marketing is an excellent way to drive traffic to your site without spending your hard earned cash on ad services like Google adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing or MicroSoft adCenter. Depending on your niche, this can be very costly. Often times your ROI is in the negative numbers. Not so with article marketing. Article marketing is also a good way to become a known expert in your niche. Article marketing builds incoming links to your website from all over the web.
This is Basically How Article Marketing Works
The Internet is made up of websites. The web sites contain content. Folks search the internet for information on a specific subject. The searchers find their information from a search engine. Search engines spider the internet's web pages using keywords and descriptions on the web pages of sites. Using the information that the search engines posses, they give the best return possible on the topic that was searched for. This content must be fresh, pertinent, and come from a valuable source. Articles are pertinent, fresh, and search engines consider article directories a valuable source (Goarticles was a Page Rank 6 at the time of this writing). There you have it in a nutshell.
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The internet is full of content rich websites. Webmasters, must provide their visitors, and more importantly their return visitors, with good and interesting content. This is especially true for the blogger. You see, in order for the blogger to get to and remain high on the search results, he/she must post every day. Now you can plainly see that posting every day can take up a lot of time. So they supplement their content with other people's articles. They get these articles from article directories. An article directory is a website full of articles on a huge number of topics in almost every niche ever thought of. There are article directories that only accept articles on a certain niche, such as Internet marketing, health, women's issues etc... All you have to do is read their rules for submitting an article.
It's been my experience that article directory owners read, either personally or subcontract someone to read every article submitted. A daunting task to say the least. That's the main reason some article directories may suspend acceptance of new articles for a time.
Research is First and Foremost
Like all aspects of marketing. Article marketing is no different. You must have a plan of attack. Research your topics. You can do this by looking in blogs and forums to find out what folks are "talking" about. You now have a topic, or more likely several topics, to write about. The articles you produce should be between 700 - 1000 words.
My article's written, now what do I do$%:
You should post your article to your blog or put it on your website. Wait until your article is spidered by the search engines. You can find out if your article has been spidered by searching for the title in the search engines. Once you find it, then you may submit it to the article directories. The reason for this is that you want to avoid duplicate content if at all possible.
Submitting to the Article Directories
There are hundreds of article directories on the internet. Find the correct directories for your niche or use the big three: goarticles, EzineArticles and articlecity. The vast majority of article directories require you to register in order to submit your article. You have to login in every time you wish to submit an article. This helps the directory owners keep track of the authors and their articles.
What's the point$%:
Article Directories will give your site incoming links. These are extremely valuable in positioning in the search engines. According to Google, the more incoming links, the higher your page rank. This affects the price you can charge for advertising on your site. The more place your articles are posted, the more places folks can have the opportunity to visit your site from. The more directories the better. So get writing!